Konzenji Temple in Tsuruga city, Fukui, is located at the foot of Mt. Kanegasaki, and where a fierce battle between the Ashikaga Army (Northern Court) and the Nitta Army (Southern Court) was fought in the 14th century. Renowned Japanese poet of the Edo period, Matsuo Basho, visited Tsuruga in 1689 and visited this temple. Upon hearing the tragic story of the defeated Nitta Army and its bell, which was used in the battle to signal soldiers, and then was later sunk in the sea by Nitta Yoshisada when he escaped from Kanegasaki Castle, Matsuo Basho wrote a poem; 'Where is the moon? A bell sank to the bottom of the sea': a poem in which Basho empathized with the tragic fate of the Nitta Army. To commemorate Basho's visit here, a stone monument was built on its premises in 1761, and on this monument Basho's poem was carved.
Basho's Poem and Konzenji Temple
Stone monument of Basho's poem on Nitta Army's sad fate

Par Takako Sakamoto
Rédacteur web

Three pairs of jizo statues stand in a corner of the temple grounds

A charnel house at the entrance of the temple cemetery

Sign indicating the stone monument of the famous poet, Matsuo Basho

Kangiten-do Hall, which houses the statue of Kangiten (God of Bliss). Kangiten is usually hidden from public view

Stone marking to indicate Basho's visit to this temple in 1689

This is called, 'Basho's Kanezuka (Bell Stone)', which was built in 1761; Basho's poem was carved on it

Closer look at the charnel house

Stone mark indicating jizo statues

Pink lilies fluttering in the wind

Curious handmade plastic windmill on the temple grounds, probably to ward off animals

Lonesome white lilies in the cemetery
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