Mar 20th
Apr 15th

Reikanji Temple Camellia Event 2025

Enjoy seasonal flowers at this historic temple

Reikan-ji Temple, Kyoto
Mar 20th - Apr 15th 2025

Kyoto's Reikan-ji Temple is often known as the camellia temple thanks to the large number of flowers that bloom on the grounds. When they're at their best, a special opening of the temple is held – it's only open to the public for a couple of weeks for in spring for camellia season, and a couple of weeks in autumn while the leaves are changing.

Photo présentée par Amonzeki Temple Kyoto Reikanji Temple, Kyoto Connect Co., Ltd

Over 100 types of camellias can be enjoyed at the temple grounds, including the Nikko camellia which has been designated as a natural monument by Kyoto City.

There is an admission fee of 800 JPY for adults and 400 JPY for elementary-aged students to enjoy the garden. Infants receive free admission.

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Reikan-ji Temple can be conveniently accessed by bus from Kyoto Station – take city bus number 5 or 17, and the temple is under 10 minutes on foot from the Ginkaku-ji-michi stop.

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